Gewusst wie: Adapterplatte montieren | Know how to assemble the adapter plate

The Braeker craft warranty

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The Braeker-Assembly guarranty The assembly of the kids are very simple. The single, precise lasercutted metal sheets are stuck together like LEGO bricks. Only after plugging together the components are glued. So, who can play with LEGO, is also able to assembly the Braeker-kids.

The instruction manual will lead you step by step to the perfect result.

If you get unexpected trouble while assembling, just send me the allready started kit in between 4 weeks after the invoice date. I will finish the assembly, as long as the components are undamaged. You will only have to pay the shipping costs.

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Lasercut precision


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All metal sheets are out of precise lasercutted stainless steel. A refinish operation of the laser cut is not necessary! The parts are fitting together absolut accurately!

Each part has an mechanical key, like a puzzle. This key defines the position  clearly. So assembly failures are impossible.

A real FailSafe Design.



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All metal sheets will be glued only after sticking together. Adhesive bonding is a joining technology, which reaches the best results in quality. All components will kept perfect in form and clean. Neither occurs a thermal wrapping, nor the seams have to be cleaned after the bonding, like at soldering and welding. Glueing, everybody can do it.

Glueing is beyond all doubt.  Even airplane wings are glued nowadays.